JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3
JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3

JeffTron Gatillo electronico Leviathan - EVO3

21.00% IVA incluido
Peso: 400 gramos


Product description: Leviathan - EVO3

Leviathan - EVO3 is processor controlled mosfet with wireless communication.
It adds new shooting modes, controls RoF, pre-cocking, active braking, low battery indication, statistics...
Everything is controlled via application in the smart phone (iOS and Android).
Device is fully integrated inside the gearbox version ASG EVO 3 A1 instead of the original electronics.
It keeps all functions as original electronics - empty magazine detection, bolt catch, burst fire, battery undervoltage protection,...
Comes with completely made wires to the front with deanT connector - no soldering needed.

Leviathan banner

- Adds new shooting modes independent for every position on the fire selector (SEMI - BURST - AUTO)
- Three adjustable bursts (range 2 - 20 shots)
- Rate of fire can be reduce to 40%. It add breaks between shots to reduce RoF. It gives fast trigger response even with very low rate of fire, just like in a real gun
- In the package is included ARL mode set to make anti reverse latch which allows to use pre-cocking, lower level active braking and DSG gears
- Adjustable strength active braking (can be disabled with installed ARL mode)
- Pre-cocking function for instant shot on SEMI fire (can be used only with installed ARL mode)
- Bolt catch lever has to be pulled after battery connection, which simulates load the bullet into the barrel like in the real gun
- Emply magazine sound indication and bolt catch lever can be deactived in the app
- Delay between shots adds time in which isn't possible to shoot, it simulates the delay from gun reload or recoil (range 0,1 - 4,0 seconds)
- Electronic fuse set sensitivity for high current detection to avoid any damage if something goes wrong
- Low battery indication for 2S - 4S li-pol and 3S - 4S li-fe
- Statistics screen shows shooting output with cycle timing, motor current consumption, rate of fire and mosfet temperature. It allows you to do fine-tune gearbox upgrade
- Application shows actual battery voltage value. Color lines indicates battery charge status
- User can save multiple settings under profiles
- Update function fixes bugs and adds new features to the device
- There are three shot counters. Total count every shot during the device lifetime. User counter can be reset by user anytime. Power-up counter is reset by battery connection
- Error log shows errors made during the device life
- For better security wireless connection can be disable by the selector switch (can be deactivated)
- Leviathan - EVO 3 monitors current, voltage and temperature to avoid any damage when something go wrong.
- Motor vibrates and beeps as a feedback for user
- Programmed settings are saved in the Leviathan - EVO 3 memory immediately after their change, so settings aren't lost when is battery disconnected or lost connection with smartphone

Independent for every position on the fire selector (SEMI - BURST - AUTO)
- SAFE: no responding on the trigger pull.
- Semi: it fires single shot per trigger pull.
- Semi/BurstX: short trigger pull fires single shot, long trigger pull fires burst.
- Binary trigger: it fires single shot when trigger is pulled and another single shot when is released.
- BurstX: gun shoot burst per trigger pull.
- BurstX+BurstY: short trigger press fires burstX, long trigger press makes burstX+burstY fire.
- BurstX/Full: short trigger press fires burstX, long trigger press makes auto fire.
- Full: gun makes auto fire until releasing trigger.

- Easy installation inside the gearbox version ASG EVO 3 A1
- No modifications is needed in the gun or Leviathan - EVO3
- Compatible with Scorpion EVO 3 - A1, Scorpion EVO 3 - A1 B.E.T., Scorpion EVO 3 - A1 carbine with gearbox gen.1, version 2018 and version 2020
- Compatible with stock and CNC trigger
- Installation ARL Mode: with anti reverse latch you can use precocking, lower level active brake and DSG gears
- It uses micro switch actuated by sector gear for perfect semi and burst fire timing
- Thanks to advanced electronics, Leviathan - EVO 3 can be used with any common gearbox upgrade and gun rate of fire
- Completely made wiring allows the fastest and the easiest installation into the gun, it is long enough for all kind of weapons with battery placed in the front. No soldering is needed
- There are high quality wires 1,5 qmm (AWG16) with thin and hard MPPE insulation
- Wire outer diameter is only 2,06 mm
- Board is covered by conformal coating, it protect Leviathan - EVO3 against water
- Specified for common batteries up to 17V (Ni-xx 8.4 - 12V, lipol 7.4 - 14.8V)
- Device increases gun rate of fire and battery holds longer, than with basic wiring
- With active braking ON piston isn't partially stretched, spring is fully released, parts in mechabox aren't under strain and nozzle locks hop-up chamber in greater part (depends on ROF)
- In weapons with very high rate of fire (ROF) active brake solves multiple shots in semi mode
- The braking effect is the most powerful with high torque motor
- Remove from the gearbox: cut off lever, stock electronic, you will not need them with the Leviathan - EVO 3

Mobile application Leviathan by JeffTron to iOS and Android smartphone
Installation manual to Leviathan - EVO3 in English [PDF, 5.76 MB]
Leviathan by Jefftron Q&A discussion forum on Facebook

- Leviathan - EVO3 drop-in electronic module with wiring to front, DeanT connector
- ARL Mode: Anti reverse latch, spring and special screw
- Two plastic washers under screw for securing device in the gearbox
- Black Leviathan sticker 40 mm
- Foam to keep device in place
- Installation manual in English

- Installation of this device into the gearbox requires advanced technician skills!
- Please read these informations before installing your device to prevent any damage.
- Short circuit or incorrectly connected battery will cause immediate damage to the device which is not covered by the warranty. It can lead to fire or even battery explosion.
- Disconnect battery, when you aren't using the gun! Otherwise you will fully discharge the battery. Because the device drains small amount of current from the bettery all the time.
- Don't connect battery when gun pointing towards you, another person or an animal.
- Don't modify, repair and put into any kind of liquids or thermal shock the Leviathan - EVO3.


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